
The saving message of Unitarian Universalism declares that you can be who you are and become who you are called to be, that you can grow your soul and serve the world, that all are welcome and all are worthy.

I have seen the power of this faith firsthand: seen broken people filled with love; seen what happens when work for justice is rooted in deep religious conviction; seen worship services that wake a person up to love. I have seen the transformation that comes when a small group of people, grounded in trust, meet to share their lives with each other wholly and authentically – and I am called to lead a community making this real in the world.

Ministry is rooted in relationship. It is my hope that this site might serve as a foundation for the beginning of our explorations together. Please don’t hesitate to contact me should I be able to provide further information or assistance. Thank you for your interest and dedication to the task before you!

In hope,
